We met on April 1st, 2005 at a happy hour social event being held at a nightclub called Seven off of Pacific Ave just East of downtown Dallas. I was there with a few of my single girlfriends and Frank was there with his brother Cesar. A couple of my friends went to do something and asked me to hold their drinks, so I was waiting by the bar for them to come back. Frank was across the bar when he asked me something about why I was holding two drinks, and I told him that I was holding them for my friends. So he asked if he could buy me a drink so I would have one for myself and I happily accepted. Frank was very quick to tell me he had a girlfriend and that he would only be there for a short time before he had to leave and pick her up at the airport. He then proceeded to tell me that I seemed like a good person and that he wanted to stay in touch as friends. I was single but dating at the time, so I was more than content with making a new friend that night and nothing more, so I gave him my number and my email.

Over the next year, we became very good, close friends. We would meet up for drinks with friends, watched movies at his brothers house, and always made each other laugh. Many of our friends and family began to suspect there was something more than friendship going on between us before it crossed either one of our minds.

In 2006, we both found ourselves single at the same time, and our relationship slowly began to change. I remember this one specific evening when we were at my apartment.  We were watching a movie and sitting on the couch together just like any other Friday night, just friends hanging out. But all of a sudden, there was an awkwardness or a tension that just wasn’t there before. It was difficult for both of us to accept that we were becoming more than friends because we really liked how things were at the time and didn’t want to risk messing up our friendship by getting everything complicated with all that relationship stuff.

The first time we kissed was in July of 2006. When we talked about the whole thing later, we found out that we both had the same plan: we would kiss and prove to ourselves that there was no chemistry between us and we could put all these new feelings to rest for good and go back to being just friends. The plan did not go the way we thought it would go at all, but it did clarify one thing – we belonged together.

Two years later, we moved in together in the house that we share to this day in Duncanville, TX. Over the years, our little family has grown to include our pups, Chuy and Lola. We got engaged on October 14, 2011 and got hitched on October 13, 2012.

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